Decimals are a type of fractional number. The decimal 0.5 represents the fraction
5/10. The decimal 0.25 represents the fraction 25/100. Decimal fractions always
have a denominator based on a power of 10.
We know that 5/10 is equivalent to 1/2 since 1/2 times 5/5 is 5/10. Therefore,
the decimal 0.5 is equivalent to 1/2 or 2/4, etc.
Some common Equivalent Decimals and Fractions:
- 0.1 and 1/10
- 0.2 and 1/5
- 0.5 and 1/2
- 0.25 and 1/4
- 0.50 and 1/2
- 0.75 and 3/4
- 1.0 and 1/1 or 2/2 or 1